“Clarifying the Call” Class
This class is for new members and people wanting to know more about The Clarion Call Christian Center vision and mission. You’ll also discover your own vision and mission as we equip you to write your vision statement and determine the best areas of service within the church for the advancement of the vision.

Women Watering at the Well
Join women of The Clarion Call Christian Center for a time of worship, encouragement, fellowship, and fun. Each meeting promises to be a refreshing and rewarding experience in God and in friendship with other women. Stay tuned to the announcements for details and come drink of His water at the well.

Sunday School
Each Sunday morning at 10:30 am is a powerful time of Bible study and fellowship. God wants us to grow spiritually through the study of His Word, and there’s no better way to answer God’s clarion call than to feed on His Word. Join us and multiply the impact of your walk with God.

Men’s Ministry: “Man-Date”
At The Clarion Call, we train and equip men to be spiritual leaders in their homes, in the church, the community and in the work place. “MAN-DATE” develops men in Christian living to make a positive impact for this generation and those to come. We accomplish this through Bible study, discipleship classes, leadership development, mentoring, retreats and special events. In today’s culture, it’s increasingly important for men to honor God with their hearts and lives.

Women’s Ministry: “Rubies and Pearls”
Come and learn how to be a “Proverbs 31” woman. At The Clarion Call, we train women to become all that God has called them to be through His word.

Children’s Church
Children’s Church is for children ages 6-12. We enjoy praising God, learning about the Bible, and growing closer to Jesus every 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sunday of the month at The Clarion Call Christian Center. Come and experience God with friends in Children’s Church!